Best Selling author Carra Copelin writes contemporary and historical romance. The Texas Code Series, contemporary romantic suspense novels include Code Of Honor, Book One. The Brides of Texas Code Series, western historical novellas, explores the Texas Code Series beginnings. Katie and the Irish Texan, Book 1, Matelyn and the Texas Ranger, Book 2, and Angel and the Texan from County Cork, Book 3. Laurel:Bride of Arkansas, American Mail-Order Brides Series, Book 25
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Congratulations to Cheri Kay Clifton, the winner of my post, LYN HORNER INTERVIEW AND BOOK GIVEAWAY. The winner was chosen on Cheri has been notified by email and will be receiving her copy of DASHING DRUID soon.
Thanks, once more, to those who entered. I hope to see all of you again!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
A special thank you to all of the visitors to Texas Skies Blog and to the ones who left a comment on the Lyn Horner Interview this last week. We love you! The winner of the free copy of DASHING DRUID will be announced soon and notified by email.
One of my goals this year is to post articles that contain subjects of interest for readers and writers. I also plan to have additional interesting guests stop by.
I hope you’ll find yourself in the neighborhood of Texas Skies and drop in to say hello!
One of my goals this year is to post articles that contain subjects of interest for readers and writers. I also plan to have additional interesting guests stop by.
I hope you’ll find yourself in the neighborhood of Texas Skies and drop in to say hello!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Come one, come all! The last day to comment on Lyn Horner’s Interview and be eligible to win a copy of DASHING DRUID is January 20, 2012. Find out interesting tidbits about Lyn, her writer’s life, and a description of the second book in her Druid series. Good Luck!!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Free Book Giveaway DEADLINE!
Forgot to mention the deadline for the free book giveaway of Dashing Druid by Lyn Horner. You have until 11:59, January 20, 2012 to leave a comment on the interview below with Lyn and don't forget to leave your email so you can be contacted.
Thanks for visiting and hope you enjoy the interview!
Thanks for visiting and hope you enjoy the interview!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Please welcome my very good friend, Lyn Horner, author of DASHING
DRUID, the second novel in her Texas Druids series. I was so excited when Lyn agreed to visit with us today. She has graciously offered to give away one free e-copy of her latest release to one lucky commenter.
Lyn, thank you for coming.
Hi, Carra. I’m very happy to be with you. Thanks for inviting me.
You know, I find that even though I've retired from my day job, I still do my best writing after my husband has gone to bed. When do you write and do you have a favorite place?
LOL! We’re a lot alike. I often write at night too, when the house is quiet. Well, except for cats wanting in or out every so often. Actually, though, I write whenever I can squeeze in the time, except when a self-imposed deadline is coming up. Then I write practically around the clock. As for favorite places to write, I have two. One is in my recliner with my laptop and often a cat snuggled close. The other is in bed with research books and notes spread out around me (and more cats.) My husband finds this a tad inconvenient when it’s time to go to bed at night.
Ha! I wouldn't even flirt with the idea of setting up on the bed. I'd never hear the end of it! When you're ready to start on a new story, how do you decide what you want to write?
For my Druid series, I know I’ll be writing about the three Devlin siblings. Developing an engaging plot for each story is a challenge that I enjoy. I also need to weave in the character’s particular psychic power throughout the book. This requires brain storming, discussion with critique partners and usually a ton of research. When I complete the Devlin saga, I have a story set during the 1798 Irish Rebellion on the back burner. I’m anxious to get back to that one.
Oh, that was an interesting time in Ireland's history. I look forward to visiting there through your expert story telling. Speaking of storytelling, what do you think makes a good story?
I’ll answer that from a romance reader’s viewpoint. First, I want a strong plot based on accurate research; second, fast-paced action that holds me enthralled until the last page; and third, a romance that percolates and builds to a satisfying conclusion.
That's true from a reader's standpoint but, as a writer, it's sometimes easier said than done. In your quest for a good story, just where did you get the idea for Druids in the West?
The idea grew out of my desire for a fresh approach, a way to make my western romances stand out in the crowd. Eventually I decided to feature a trio of siblings, children of Irish immigrants who possess psychic powers. I’d read about the ancient Druids and knew that some were said to be seers capable of looking into the future. It seemed feasible to make my characters Druid descendents. I’m stretching that premise by giving each a different psychic talent.
I'm sure I'm not the only reader who thinks you've achieved your goal admirably. I'm wondering, do you outline, plot or just see where the characters lead you?
At first I was a “pantser” – a writer who lets their plot develop as they write, but after several false starts I realized I needed a basic framework to keep me on track. Nowadays I use a rough outline, but that’s not to say I always stick to it. If the story suggests a new direction along the way, I’m willing to change course.
What did you learn while researching and writing Darlin' Druid and Dashing Druid?
The most important thing I learned is that I can’t be afraid to ask for help. Writing away for information, calling places such as the National Archives in Washington, D.C. and interviewing experts on a subject are things I didn’t dare do at first. Now I know most folks are more than happy to pass on their knowledge.
You are so right. I learned early on that people are very generous and eager to help. Tell me, do you ever hear from your readers and what kind of questions do they ask?
Yes, I do hear from readers now and then. Most of their comments have been very complimentary. The most frequently asked question is “When will your next book be out?” That always makes me smile. Another question that often pops up is the same one you asked about where I got the idea for Druids in the Old West.
What do you hope to bring to readers?
I hope to draw them into my stories, to make them experience life in times past. Most of all I want them to share my characters’ adventures, to feel their fear, sadness, anger and most of all, love.
Well, in my opinion, and I know I'm not alone from the reviews I've read, you've accomplished your goal. Your characters jump off the page, taking the reader along with them.
Lyn, we've been friends for a long time and you've always been there for me with encouragement and support. Do you have any advice for unpublished authors?
From my experience, dedication is the key. Work hard, do your research and polish your writing skills. Find some strong critique partners and learn to take constructive criticism without getting your feelings hurt. Be persistent and don’t let rejection defeat you.
Okay, Lyn, that does it for the grilling portion of this interview. Now would you please tell us about your latest release?
Glad to. Dashing Druid is the second book in m
y Texas Druids trilogy. Recently published, it stars Tye Devlin, oldest of the three gifted siblings. Tye is a sensitive, an empath in modern terms. He “feels” others’ emotions. Over time, he has learned how to block out most of the “racket” as he calls it in order to save his sanity. However, when he meets Texas cowgirl Lil Crawford, her troubled feelings break through his mental barriers as if they don’t even exist.
Unlucky in love, Lil sees herself as an old maid. She guards her broken heart behind a tough façade, dressing like a man and working alongside her father’s cowhands. When a handsome stranger with an Irish brogue shows up one day and calls her beautiful, she thinks he’s mocking her. Learning he’s the brother of the woman who wed her lost love, she tries to put Tye Devlin out of her mind. Tye faces an uphill battle in his pursuit of Lil, all while dealing with a load of guilt and nightmarish fear stemming from an incident in his past.
Set against a backdrop of Texas ranch life, an iconic cattle drive and feuding families, this story pits Tye and Lil against one harrowing obstacle after another. Tye’s “gift” plays a vital role in determining their fate as they fight their personal demons and decide if love is worth the consequences.
Thank you, Lyn, for joining us today and sharing your opinions and expertise. Please come back again.
My pleasure, Cara. I’ll look forward to my next visit.
For our visitors, don't forget to leave a comment for a chance to win a FREE e-copy of DASHING DRUID, by Lyn Horner. Be sure to include your email address so Lyn can contact you if you win. Also tell us if you prefer Kindle or Nook.
All of Lyn's books, including DARLIN’ DRUID and her memoir, SIX CATS IN MY KITCHEN, are available for Kindle on Her Druid books are also available for Nook on
Links for Darlin' Druid & Dashing Druid -- Amazon -- Amazon -- B&N -- B&N
Link for Six Cats In My Kitchen -- Amazon
Lyn, thank you for coming.
Hi, Carra. I’m very happy to be with you. Thanks for inviting me.
You know, I find that even though I've retired from my day job, I still do my best writing after my husband has gone to bed. When do you write and do you have a favorite place?
LOL! We’re a lot alike. I often write at night too, when the house is quiet. Well, except for cats wanting in or out every so often. Actually, though, I write whenever I can squeeze in the time, except when a self-imposed deadline is coming up. Then I write practically around the clock. As for favorite places to write, I have two. One is in my recliner with my laptop and often a cat snuggled close. The other is in bed with research books and notes spread out around me (and more cats.) My husband finds this a tad inconvenient when it’s time to go to bed at night.
Ha! I wouldn't even flirt with the idea of setting up on the bed. I'd never hear the end of it! When you're ready to start on a new story, how do you decide what you want to write?
For my Druid series, I know I’ll be writing about the three Devlin siblings. Developing an engaging plot for each story is a challenge that I enjoy. I also need to weave in the character’s particular psychic power throughout the book. This requires brain storming, discussion with critique partners and usually a ton of research. When I complete the Devlin saga, I have a story set during the 1798 Irish Rebellion on the back burner. I’m anxious to get back to that one.
Oh, that was an interesting time in Ireland's history. I look forward to visiting there through your expert story telling. Speaking of storytelling, what do you think makes a good story?
I’ll answer that from a romance reader’s viewpoint. First, I want a strong plot based on accurate research; second, fast-paced action that holds me enthralled until the last page; and third, a romance that percolates and builds to a satisfying conclusion.
That's true from a reader's standpoint but, as a writer, it's sometimes easier said than done. In your quest for a good story, just where did you get the idea for Druids in the West?
The idea grew out of my desire for a fresh approach, a way to make my western romances stand out in the crowd. Eventually I decided to feature a trio of siblings, children of Irish immigrants who possess psychic powers. I’d read about the ancient Druids and knew that some were said to be seers capable of looking into the future. It seemed feasible to make my characters Druid descendents. I’m stretching that premise by giving each a different psychic talent.
I'm sure I'm not the only reader who thinks you've achieved your goal admirably. I'm wondering, do you outline, plot or just see where the characters lead you?
At first I was a “pantser” – a writer who lets their plot develop as they write, but after several false starts I realized I needed a basic framework to keep me on track. Nowadays I use a rough outline, but that’s not to say I always stick to it. If the story suggests a new direction along the way, I’m willing to change course.
What did you learn while researching and writing Darlin' Druid and Dashing Druid?
The most important thing I learned is that I can’t be afraid to ask for help. Writing away for information, calling places such as the National Archives in Washington, D.C. and interviewing experts on a subject are things I didn’t dare do at first. Now I know most folks are more than happy to pass on their knowledge.
You are so right. I learned early on that people are very generous and eager to help. Tell me, do you ever hear from your readers and what kind of questions do they ask?
Yes, I do hear from readers now and then. Most of their comments have been very complimentary. The most frequently asked question is “When will your next book be out?” That always makes me smile. Another question that often pops up is the same one you asked about where I got the idea for Druids in the Old West.
What do you hope to bring to readers?
I hope to draw them into my stories, to make them experience life in times past. Most of all I want them to share my characters’ adventures, to feel their fear, sadness, anger and most of all, love.
Well, in my opinion, and I know I'm not alone from the reviews I've read, you've accomplished your goal. Your characters jump off the page, taking the reader along with them.
Lyn, we've been friends for a long time and you've always been there for me with encouragement and support. Do you have any advice for unpublished authors?
From my experience, dedication is the key. Work hard, do your research and polish your writing skills. Find some strong critique partners and learn to take constructive criticism without getting your feelings hurt. Be persistent and don’t let rejection defeat you.
Okay, Lyn, that does it for the grilling portion of this interview. Now would you please tell us about your latest release?
Glad to. Dashing Druid is the second book in m
Unlucky in love, Lil sees herself as an old maid. She guards her broken heart behind a tough façade, dressing like a man and working alongside her father’s cowhands. When a handsome stranger with an Irish brogue shows up one day and calls her beautiful, she thinks he’s mocking her. Learning he’s the brother of the woman who wed her lost love, she tries to put Tye Devlin out of her mind. Tye faces an uphill battle in his pursuit of Lil, all while dealing with a load of guilt and nightmarish fear stemming from an incident in his past.
Set against a backdrop of Texas ranch life, an iconic cattle drive and feuding families, this story pits Tye and Lil against one harrowing obstacle after another. Tye’s “gift” plays a vital role in determining their fate as they fight their personal demons and decide if love is worth the consequences.
Thank you, Lyn, for joining us today and sharing your opinions and expertise. Please come back again.
My pleasure, Cara. I’ll look forward to my next visit.
For our visitors, don't forget to leave a comment for a chance to win a FREE e-copy of DASHING DRUID, by Lyn Horner. Be sure to include your email address so Lyn can contact you if you win. Also tell us if you prefer Kindle or Nook.
All of Lyn's books, including DARLIN’ DRUID and her memoir, SIX CATS IN MY KITCHEN, are available for Kindle on Her Druid books are also available for Nook on
Links for Darlin' Druid & Dashing Druid -- Amazon -- Amazon -- B&N -- B&N
Link for Six Cats In My Kitchen -- Amazon
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