You are going to love this!
I'm so happy to announce the first ever Pioneer Hearts 99c Western Romance Event! The dates for this event are October 17-20.

This sale includes dozens of books for your Kindle, and a selection for your Nook or iBooks libraries, as well. And you know what else is fun? You can win some pretty snazzy prizes!

Want to one one of two $10 Amazon gift cards? Share our sale and follow our authors! You could also win signed books, a beautiful turquoise pendant necklace (voted a favorite by the
Pioneer Hearts Readers Group!), and more!
See Rafflecopter here and win!
See Nook links here
See iBooks links here
By the way, my own book, KATIE AND THE IRISH TEXAN, is also included in this event on
Amazon and
Apple iBooks for .99.
I hope you can take advantage of this wonderful event and find some great new authors to read!
Thanks for visiting today,
Love, Carra
Carra Copelin Website, Carra's Blog , Carra's FB page , Carra's Twitter Page