When the mill and her livelihood perish with the fire, she has no other choice but to answer an ad in the Grooms’ Gazette and become a Mail Order Bride. Will she find peace and long lasting love in the arms of a stranger?
Griffin Benning needs a mother for his children. When his wife died, he lost his two children to his in-laws who claimed to have a better environment for raising his children. He misses his family and is coerced into advertising in the Grooms’ Gazette for a wife to raise his children and work the farm in order to get them back.
Will his ad for a Mail Order Bride provide what he needs? Can he find love and happiness with a stranger? Can these two strangers find a common ground to reach their goals along with a happy-ever-after?
A groundbreaking idea by Kirsten Osbourne, that became a project, and finally publishing history. 50 Brides, 50 States, 50 Days in a row, the American Mail-Order Brides series tells the stories of 50 women all losing their jobs to a tragedy and how they try to make their way in their new world.
Roberta, Manager of a garment factory in Lawrence, Massachusetts, finds a very large descrepancy between the amount of money on hand and the amount her books sayshe should have on hand. When she calls in the owner to talk to him about it, she knows immediately the discrepancy is caused by him. After the factory burns to the ground a short time later, she feels responsible for the women who are now jobless. Can she find a solution that won't leave all the women unemployed?
This 1500 word prequel is what ties together the ground-breaking American Mail Order Bride books. The project includes fifty mail order bride books, one for each state, which will be released one per day from November 19th, 2015-January 7th, 2016.
Thanks for visiting and Merry Christmas to you all!