I know I said last week I was looking for October, but can you believe it's already been a week? We've been inside for the bulk of the days, me writing, the Hubs watching the Olympics. He told me today he was getting cabin fever. Guess he'll have to deal or go outside and wilt. <g>
The following are the next installments in the Texas flags portion of facts and
The descriptions are used in whole or in part from,
http://www.tamu.edu/faculty/ccbn/dewitt/indepenflgs.htm. All attempts have been
made to give credit where credit is due.
Baker's Flag of San Felipe. According to the Telegraph and Texas Register, San Felipe, 5 Mar 1836
"....the English Jack showing the origin of Anglo-Americans, thirteen
stripes representing that most of the colonists in Texas are from the United
States; the Star is Texas, the only state in Mexico retaining the least spark of
the light of Liberty; tricolor is Mexican, showing that we onced belonged to the
confederacy; the whole flag is historic."
It was dubbed the San Felipe flag and based on
ideas expressed to Gail Borden Jr. by Stephen F. Austin in the enclosure to a
letter from New Orleans of 18 Jan 1836: "I shall preach independence all
over the US wherever I go--What do you think of the inclosed idea of a flag."
The flag was presented to the company of volunteers commanded by Captain
Moseley Baker (John P. Borden, 1st. Lt.) by Gail Borden Jr. in the name of "two
ladies" from the area as they marched from San Felipe 29 Feb 1836 for Gonzales.
Capt. Baker made a speech to his company in response to the presentation
referring to the flag "this banner of independence." He said "first
in your hands is placed the Texas flag; let you be the last to see it strike to
the invading foe! Let no other feeling ever glow in your bosom than that
expressed in the motto on your banner, 'Our Country's Rights or Death.'.....Let
us all raise our hands to heaven and swear, 'The Texas flag shall wave
triumphant or we will sleep in death!'" It was claimed to have been flown
at San Jacinto by those in Sherman's division. (Modified from Gilbert, Flags of
Flag of the New Orleans Greys.
Two groups of volunteers from New Orleans
joined the Texas resistance to the Mexican centralista dictatorship. Members of
the Greys participated in the Siege and Battle of
Bexar, the Alamo and Goliad. The bright blue silk banner of the first
company with an eagle bearing a banner stating "God and
Liberty" is thought to have flown over the Alamo among possibly
other flags. It is said to have been retained and transported to Mexico as a
symbol of foreign military intervention in the affairs of Mexican Texas. The
flag is said to have deteriorated in storage over the years at various locations
in Mexico and it is unclear how much of the original still exists versus
additions in restoration. Several attempts have been made to obtain the flag
for traveling exhibition or even return to a site in Texas or the US. (Image
modified from Gilbert, Flags of Texas)
Flag of the Alabama
Red Rovers. Like their uniforms, this solid blood red
flag was the banner of the Red Rovers, a company of volunteers from Alabama who
came to Texas in fall 1835 to aid the Texan forces. The Red Rovers were in large
part massacred at
Goliad on
Palm Sunday, 27 Mar 1836, although some survivors were among them. The Rovers
were recruited, supported and commanded by
Dr. and Capt. Jack Shackleford
of Courtland, Alabama, who was with them at Goliad. Dr. Shackleford's life was
spared because he was a surgeon.
Below are links that may be
of additional interest:
I’m so glad you stopped by. Please let me know if there’s anything you’d like to
see in my Texas posts and I always love to read your comments.